JESUS is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Do you believe in Healing? Do you have Faith in God? I know that even other Christians have a hard time believing in Healing and some Christians are still learning about healing or just to follow the flow. Some Christians are praying to God to help their unbelief and other Believers are have Faith in God through Christ to continue Praying for their Healing no matter what happens even that they heard a bad result from their doctors and nurses... But I am telling you that when you come to God through His Son Jesus that is already Faith. Do Not Lose Courage! Please, scroll down to Healing Prayers...

Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV)
He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.

Mark 5:34

And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction."

Mark 5:36

"Do not be afraid; only believe."

Mark 9:23

"If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes."

Mark 10:27

for with God all things are possible."

Joel 3:10

Let the weak say, 'I am strong.'"


By Anointed Pastor J. Hunter
Adjust Arm Length. Adjust the Legs. Adjustment of the Middle Back. Adjust the Neck and Spine. Adjust the Pelvis. Cast Cares On The Altar. Confess Sin. Confess Disobedience. Confess Unbelief. Forgiveness. Generational Curses. Normalize Electrical and Magnetic Frequencies. Normalize the pH Balance. Release Spouse. Repentance. Repentance for Judgment and Condemnation. Restoration. Restore the Immune System. Remove Prions. Salvation. Ungodly Covenants. Word Curses.

Adjust Arm Length

In the name of Jesus, I command the upper back to go back into place and the brainstem to line up with the spinal column. I command the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to go back to their normal length and strength. I speak in a new disc and vertebrae (if necessary). I also command the arms to grow and the pain to go in Jesus' name.

Adjust the Legs

I command the brain stem and the spinal column to be in perfect alignment. I command the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to go back to their normal length and strength. I speak new cartilage, discs, and vertebrae (when necessary). I command the pain to go and the legs to return to their normal position in Jesus' name.

Adjustment of the Middle Back

In the name of Jesus, I command the ribs to rotate and go back into place. I command the vertebrae and discs in the spine to line up. And I command all muscles, ligaments, and tendons to go back to their normal length and strength in Jesus' name.

Adjust the Neck and Spine

In the name of Jesus, I command the brain stem and the spinal column to come back into alignment. I command all the muscles, tendons, and ligaments to return to their normal length and strength. I speak in new discs and vertebrae (if necessary). I command the pain to go and the neck to go back into alignment in the name of Jesus.

Adjust the Pelvis

I command the pelvis to rotate into its normal position. I command all the organs to go back into place and muscles, tendons and ligaments to go back to their normal length and strength in Jesus' name.

Cast Cares On The Altar

Father, I am carrying the burdens of my relationships and circumstances. I choose to lay all my cares, all my worries, all my fears, all things I cannot change on Your altar. Father, I lay my spouse on Your altar. Father, I lay my children on Your altar. Father, I lay my job, my finances on Your altar. Father, I lay (name of circumstances that you cannot change) on Your altar. You are my supply and You alone can move in my circumstances. I give these to You and trust You with them, in Jesus' name.

Confess Sin

Father, I have sinned. I confess my sin(s) of (insert the sin(s) you have committed). I repent and turn from this. I choose to forgive (name of person who sinned against you). What they did was sin. Take this sin from them and place it on the cross of Jesus and on the day of judgment I will not hold this sin against them. Even now they are free. Father, bless them.

Confess Disobedience

Father, I have disobeyed Your Word and Your plan for my life. I repent and turn back to serving You alone. Forgive me this sin and place it on the cross of Jesus Christ. I am Your servant from this day forth.

Confess Unbelief

Father, I have not applied the faith You have given me. I have allowed doubt and unbelief to enter in. I confess this as sin and choose to turn back to you. Forgive me for this sin, in Jesus name.


Father I understand that You do no forgive sin but You do forgive people who sin (Matthew 6:12). I understand that You separate the sins from those who confess and repent of those sins. The Word of God confirms that Jesus bore my confessed sins on the cross and that He no longer holds them against me (I Peter 2:24). I also understand that no one but Jesus deserved forgiveness and that You will forgive me of my sins with the same measure that I choose to forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15). Father, I choose to forgive (insert name). What they did to me is sin. Take this sin from them and put it on the cross. And on the day of judgment when I stand before Your Throne, I will hold no accusation against them. Father, I ask you to bless them, in Jesus' name.

Generational Curses

Father, I know Your Word says that if we confess our iniquity (sins) and the iniquity (sins) of our fathers that you will heal us (James 5:16; Leviticus 26:40-42). Father, I take responsibility for my sins. I ask You to forgive me of my sins, separate them from me, and place them on the cross of Jesus Christ. I also ask you to forgive my fathers this same sin, separate their sins from them, put them on the cross as well and thus break the curse off of me and my family, in Jesus' name.

Normalize Electrical and Magnetic Frequencies

In the name of Jesus I command all of the electrical and magnetic frequencies in this body to return to normal harmony and balance.

Normalize the pH Balance

I command the pH balance of this body to normalize. I command healing to every cell affected by any abnormal pH levels, in Jesus' name.

Release Spouse

I willingly lay down all the conditions that I am expecting my spouse to meet on the altar of God. I (fill in your name) choose to give 100 percent of my heart to (yourspouse's full Christian name) from this day forth.


Father, I have not acted in accordance to Your nature and I am upset with myself for these actions. They are sin. I repent and I will no longer continue to act this way. Father, take this sin from me, place it on the cross of Jesus Christ, and separate it from me. Forgive me of this sin and forgive my fathers of this same sin as well, in Jesus' name.

Repentance for Judgment and Condemnation

Father, I understand Your Word says You will judge others. I also know by Your Word that I will be condemned with the same measure that I use to condemn others (Luke 6:37-38; I Corinthians 5:12). I know it is correct to judge things as right and wrong according to Your Word, but only You know the motives and intent of another's heart (Hebrews 4:12). Father, I have judged others and condemned them. This is sin, and I repent of this sin and ask You to separate this sin from me in Jesus' name and put it on the cross of Jesus Christ.


Father, I willingly lay down on Your Altar all the conditions that I was expecting You to meet. I _______ (your full Christian name) choose to give 100 percent of my heart to You from this day forth. I will be Your servant and You will be my God, in Jesus' name.

Restore the Immune System

I command the immune system to be restored. I command it to be effective in stopping diseases, germs, and viruses from inflicting this body, in Jesus' name.

Remove Prions

I command all the prions to completely dissolve and be discarded from the body. I command healing to every cell affected by these prions, in Jesus' name.


Father, I know that Jesus came that we may have life and that life more abundantly (John 10:10). The Word of God confirms that he who follows Jesus must be a servant of the Lord. As that servant, he would lose the life he knows and would receive a new life in Christ (Mark 10:43; Romans 6:4). I am willing to die to my old life and pick up this new life as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, I confess I have been living for myself. The path I have chosen has not produced life-giving fruit that lasts. I am willing to give my whole life to You and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and that I am now the servant of the Lord. No longer will I live for myself, but I will live for Christ from this day forth. I confess my sins and ask that they be removed from me and put on the cross of Jesus Christ. (Take the time needed to confess these sins). I know this is the beginning of a journey that will continue through eternity. I ________ (insert full Christian name) give you 100 percent of my heart and confirm my covenant with Jesus who is raised from the dead and now lives in my heart.

Ungodly Covenants

Father, I understand that sexual intercourse is the sign of the marriage covenant and that you call the marriage covenant holy (Matthew 19:6). I know Your Word states that sex outside of marriage is sin (Matthew 15:19-20). I also understand that I have entered into covenant with every person with whom I have had sexual relations. Father, I renounce the ungodly covenant I made with _______ (insert name). This was sin and I renounce it as such. Separate this sin from me, place it on the cross of Jesus, and break this covenant I made off of me and my household. I also renounce any other ungodly covenants I have made as well, in Jesus' name.

Word Curses

Father, I know Your Word says to say things that edify, build up, correct, and confirm (I Thessalonians 5:11; 2 Timothy 4:2). Words of condemnation, slander, complaining, griping, and gossip or accusation are not of You. They are sin (James 5:9). Father, I have said words that did not edify, exhort, correct in love, or confirm. I take responsibility for those words. They are sin. Take this sin from me, put it on the cross of Jesus, and on the day of judgment, hold no accusations against me. I renounce those words in Jesus' name. I ask you to bless those whom I have said bad words about. Father, people have said words about me that did not edify, exhort, correct in love or confirm. That is sin. Take the sin from them, put it on the cross of Jesus and on the day of judgment, hold no accusations against them. They are free. I choose to release them from this and those words are now broken off me, in Jesus' name. 

1 Peter 2:24 esv

24 He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.

Luke 4:18

18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
    because he has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
    and recovering of sight to the blind,
    to set at liberty those who are oppressed,

Isaiah 53:5 (esv)

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions;
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
    and with his wounds we are healed.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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