The Prayer of DELIVERANCE is the best prayer to cut this "sin" started from the root that it could be started from childhood (younghood or adulthood) to keep away from our sins and to keep us away from sinning again and again.

I pray that you hear God's voice right now in Jesus' name. I want you to know that our sins are from the demonic spirit, the devil is always looking for the people, children or young or old, to get tempted of sins to keep sinning. So that satan can take many souls and put death on them in a hurry because this unclean spirit (demon and devil) do not want these people to know about the free gift of Jesus Christ which is REPENTANCE and the truth of His Word.

8 Keep awake! Watch at all times. The devil is working against you. He is walking around like a hungry lion with his mouth open. He is looking for someone to eat. 1 Peter 5:8

This unclean spirit (devil or demon) wants you to run away from God and do not want you to know that only JESUS CHRIST CAN FORGIVE YOUR SINS AND DELIVERS YOU FROM EVIL. JESUS FORGIVES no matter how little or big sins we have, we may fall seven times but rise up again (Prov 24).

All sins are from satan's bait, he has no power to make war with God. Satan can only revenge to God by putting sins to people, tempting them to sin, and then to kill them so that he can own these peoples' souls (real selves) in hell with him and in fire forever. There is no purgatory at all, once we die after this is the judgement (Hebrew 9:27), and satan do not want you to believe this truth and to get this knowledge because he wants to own your soul. GOD'S WORD IS NOT A JOKE AT ALL. WE HAVE ONLY TWO CHOICES: TO REPENT OR KEEP SINNING.

I want you to know that demons and devils are very real same as hell. Last week at the small conference for deliverance, the young woman came up for a prayer, she looked like sick physically. She honestly told to the evangelist to pray for her (deliverance) about her ADDICTION OF PORNOGRAPHY, FORNICATION, AND UNFORGIVENESS. The anointed evangelist rebuked the devil to come out of her. And THE EVIL SPIRIT OR DEMON SPOKE twice "i don't wanna come out" while her eyes shut and smiling, then the teeth and jaw were angry. BUT GOD IS SO POWERFUL. IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST SHE WAS DELIVERED.

... And many people got delivered from curse, witchcraft and all kinds of infirmities or sins. I was there standing by them, I witnessed how their face and eyes changed immediately after God delivered them and after renouncing their sins. PRAISE GOD!

From grandparents' generations, there might be a spirit of bondage or rebellion such as; alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, witchcraft, adultery, broken marriage, fornication or sex without marriage, baby out of wedlock, pornography, anger, disrespectful to parents, pride, unforgiveness, jealousy, cussing, homosexual, and many more. We must pray for our loved ones and cast out all spiritual bondage.

Years ago, I prayed the forgiveness of my ancestors' sins, grandparents and my parents' sins that they committed. I am still praying for my loved ones for their deliverance, repentance and salvation, and to reject the culture of satan. I am always praying for the clarity of their mind that Jesus Christ loves them so much and can forgive their all sins no matter how big or heavy sins they have, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

NEVER SAY "GOD KNOWS MY HEART" when we get offended by correction from the word of God or from a Christian friend, Because we are just trying to protect the evil who lives in us that needs to come out of us which is sin (like slave of anger, backstabbing, gossip, depression, addiction, adultery, pornography, or witchcraft and etc.). We really need to get prayed for deliverance in Jesus' name, and repent so that we can continue to live right before God.

6 All of us have become like one who is unclean [like a leper], and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up [wither and decay] like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away [far from God’s favor toward destruction]. Isaiah 64:6

The FEAR OF DELIVERANCE is the door for the enemy where we can open the door for the evil to make our flesh weak leading us to sin again and again after we repent our sins to God. We need to be strong to admit that we have sinned and have problem that needs to get delivered. OUR SMALL SINS WILL GROW that can lead to gossip, anger, witchcraft, lust, rebellion to God or to parents, or jealousy, and etc. We are only hiding our sins if we only like to hear the words of encouragement and just want to feel good.

THE FULL ARMOR OF GOD FOR DELIVERANCE: Example: if a Christian cannot stop sinning of gossip even that she or he already repented, then prayer of deliverance is the best prayer to cut this sin started from the root that it could be started from childhood or at any age in your life. Go to God first, repent and get delivered, and then "put on the full armor of God" (Ephesians 6:11) so that the devil cannot deceit us again and again.

And always pray daily as part of our closer and deeper relationship with God, Jesus Christ. And pray to Him, "do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:9-13)." And have the FEAR OF THE LORD (godly fear), Proverbs 9:10, so that immediately we can stop the evil or sins desire trying to come in us to get tempted to do the evil ways (Genesis 4:7).

TO OUR LORD CHRIST JESUS for giving us an "abundant life", "He redeemed us from our sins," and for giving us His great mercy. It's the great grace of God that we are all still alive. It's God's grace that we can hear His Holy Spirit to keep us away from evil or sin and by processing us "to righteousness leading to holiness (Romans 6)". Amen!

Written and shared by: Susan B. Brotherton

Title: Deliverance
Posted on: November 2015
Posted by: Jesus is our salvation

Source: Holy Bible 

4 I sought the Lord [on the authority of His word], and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 (AMP)

15 "Call on Me in the day of trouble; I will rescue you, and you shall honor and glorify Me.” Psalm 50:15 (AMP) 

1 Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1 (NKJV)

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